Sunday, June 22, 2014


I hate when I get like this... 
Uncomfortable and not liking the path I am on...

soooo what do you do...??? 

 I don't give up I just find a new path.. 
While I think WW is great I feel it is just not for me,.. 

I think it gives me permission to go carb crazy ..

I was doing much better just using my fitness pal and watching calories and carbs..
.I like the way the app works.. 
I don't have to keep creating foods and it takes me a minute to figure things.. 

So .. I have wonderful support.. Great friends  who have been helping me and not to mention my sweet husband... 
I like the things Patricia Kimerling has been connecting me too and the recipes are not too complicated..
I really just want to live instead of worry constantly ... 

So here is to my yet again new ( old) path.. And living!!! 

I also removed a lot of the WW stuff from my feed on FB ... just because so many comments were choices that are not good to me.. I will still visit the pages from time to time for motivation ..but seeing recipes for dump cakes and 123 cakes constantly made me feel like I was linked to a Paula Deen page or something... That's why sooo many of the pages I keep up with are people who eat whole and healthy with treats here and there ..l am not putting WW down its just about what works for me..

I think that's what any true health adventure is.. Finding the right path... 

I talked to another good friend today who shares my struggles and she so understood how I felt..
So it's all good ... I know I keep flitting around since Medifast .. But I just have to find my way.. And I will .. 
Have a great week 

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