Sunday, May 27, 2012



It’s a  little black nose
thumbnail size ears
it is watching a soul grow through the years..
Its full of life with a naughty streak
It’s a Eeyore
Its tug of war
Throw it .. and  he will seek.
Its walking  through sorrow
Helping his human reach tomorrow
Its  trash can diving
& teaching his humans about surviving
Its  food food  food
Are  you hungry boy
It’s a bone  ,  it’s a bed  … its  destroying a new stuffed toy.
It is teaching  his humans patience
As he learned the difference between outside and inside  choices
Its  a  loving lick  even after  firm voices…
Its  Barwoof … let me out
Its Barwoof let me in
Its no fear of anything
It Is  being the king of doggie shedding
Its destroying all his bedding…
Its an uncompromising loyalty
It is his English lab royalty
Its  not stepping in wet grass
It is  his stubbornness  his sass…
Its  supervising   his humans  as they dress
Its making clean clothes a doggie fur mess…
Its   a happy wet Bazzie kiss
Its knowing  how much our  Boy is going to be missed
What is 12 years of life?
It listening to secrets
Telling no lies
It is the deepest sadness when we have to say goodbye
Sweet dreams
Bazzie boy~

                                                                                  HONI~ May 27th 2012

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