Tuesday, September 23, 2014
AND so we are here again.. another Rosh Hashanah.. another Jewish New Year.... the High Holiday of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are quickly making their annual appearance..
Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year
Yom Kippur the day of Atonement ... It is between these two dates that one asks for forgiveness over the past year ...
IF I have offended or hurt you in any way .. I ask for your forgiveness..
At this time we reflect over the past year.. and think of things we might have done differently ... We also look forward to that new beginning as the seasons change.. Summer finally waning ... and the sweet crispness of fall.. slipping into view.. .. I love this time of year... Fall has always been my favorite season...
As I look back on this past year.. I think of those we have lost... I think of those who struggle with illness... I think of the new lives that have blessed us .. and I think how quickly seasons turn and time moves... I don't know if that's just a sign of getting older or if time really does move that fast....
I think if we fill our hours with good things.. good work... good thoughts... and do our best to remain positive regardless of whatever is thrown our way... it makes life smoother and in a sense makes life seem faster..
Being positive even when things are hard... is not an easy thing to do... when you are trying to achieve goals and they seem miles away from you... its very frustrating ... but a I can attitude sure beats a I can't attitude.... that's my motto for the new year... A I CAN ATTITUDE ...
I WISH EVERYONE... JEWISH.. NOT JEWISH.. WHOEVER .. WHERE EVER YOU ARE... peace... good thoughts... belief in your self that all things are possible... Forgiveness for yourself... and Faith... that the road you travel this upcoming year.. yields to you and takes you on great adventures..... may 5775 be a very very good year for us all..
Monday, September 22, 2014
I read an article today that being Gay ... and being Obese are choices that people make...
So lets start with the obvious ...
IF one is obese... they get to that point several ways..
it could be genetic ( thyroid disorder ) .. it could be medical... due to medication such as prednisone ...
it could be do the wiring in their brain that does not know when to say the body is satisfied..
it could be environmental... growing up in a home where most of the family is obese.. and healthy choices are not offered readily...
it could be a choice in that .. that really do not care how they look or about their health .. and just enjoyed eating..
it could be depression , coping or abuse issues..
So there are several factors that play in to that ..... My issues where depression and portion control...
I like many others have decided to gain control... this is a constant battle we wage with in ourselves... it has to be monitored and maintained on a daily basis by finding tools that work.. for the individual..
Being Obese is not a really a choice... unless someone just does not give a damn...
Being gay ... ( rolling eyes) ... No this is not a choice... yes there are loud and proud and flaunty gay folk out there.. maybe they choose to be flaunty... who knows... but the core of being a homosexual.. is not a choice.... In my mind I seriously doubt someone says... OHHH so I think I will be gay .. boy will that make my life easy peasey ... in the same way a person who struggles with weight does not wake up and say... .Man I think it would be a rock solid idea to weigh 350 pounds.. .that would be awesome to struggle with mobility .. etc.... No I don't think that's much of a choice issue for either person..
I am of the belief that ... a person who is gay.. is simply born that way .. that is how their brains are wired...
A person in MOST cases can manage weight control... unless there is a medical reason why they are obese.. even then there are options that can be done to help them.. if they want that help ...
A person who is gay... can choose to live a straight life... but in the end.. all they will have accomplished more than anything is lying to themselves.. and not being the gifted beautiful person that they were intended to be by being authentic to who they are...
To me... the greatest struggle is being your authentic self... it seems in the shift of humanity we struggle to fit molds and ideals of who we are...or who we thing we are suppose to be... correcting a flaw is one thing... managing obesity is one thing... being gay is not a flaw to be corrected... nor does it need to be managed.. it simply is...
No one will die from being BORN gay ..
However one can die from being obese... it can shorten your life span .. it can take so much away from you... and in most cases ... when desire is strong it can be reversed and managed...
Being gay does not need to be reversed or managed... it simply just needs to be another facet of humanity ... for that is simply all it is..
I found it shockingly laughable that the author of this article tried to compare obesity and being gay... it as absolutely absurd...
there are no comparisons ....
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
There is so much I want.... I want a healthier body and a stronger body.... I need that...
I have worked hard over the past year to get stronger TO LOSE OVER 40 POUNDS.. I know it had been over 50.. shit happens... no other excuse...
I have run into the proverbial brick WALL ... MYSELF... I have not given up.... I won't ever do that... but like all people I too slip... I slip on that slope .. of WHY CAN'T I .... and I WANT .... sometimes I simply do not want to feel trapped by what I eat.. I don't want to log it.. I don't want to keep track of it.. and I don't want to have to think about it... but the reality .. is that... I have to... I WILL ALWAYS HAVE TO... I just did not get the gene that some people get that allows them a love affair with food with no consequence.. or at least no caring ... I did not get the gene that would make me 6+ feet either... standing only 4 ft 11 inches tall... I have to be careful...
I have to know when to let the donut go and let the apple win.... I have to realize that the natural is far better than the processed.. Number 1 .. I am satisfied... and full.. and comfortable... I have given my body proper fuel... and quieted the growl in my belly... if I had eaten the donut.. I would have eaten it too fast ... too fast to taste it.. or enjoy it... the sugars would break down in my body ... the fat would get stored in my body... and all I would have left is the gummy after taste of defeat.. and disappointment in myself...
A donut is simply not a donut.... its A STEP IN THE WRONG DIRECTION... it won't do anything for me... but the APPLE fills a need... it satisfies a sweet craving... its crunchy and takes time to savor ... and it fills me up.. the Donut would not have done any of that... but is it really wrong to have donut????... no... not if it is really what YOU want... but the fact is.. it can never be what I need.
I am far from perfect.. yesterday we shared some Indian food Chicken Biryani .. one of my favorite dishes.. loaded with basmati rice ( carbs) chunks of chicken .. intoxicating spices... and delightful... I justified that by making it my main meal of the day... I still over indulged... but at least it stayed with me the better part of the day...
Every day I have to think WANT VS NEED.. THE DONUT VS THE APPLE.. I have to think this way... there is no escape...
I admire people that get healthy , keep their weight off.. and are absolutely barbaric about their exercise and staying thin... I think that's amazing... ... I am not one of those.. I have had to learn... I have to battle my own way .. in my own time.. with my own tools...
I have had people say to me .. be careful ... you don't want to gain your weight back..... really??? ya think????
Or how is your eating going.... are you suppose to be eating that??... or how is the weight loss going??/ are you staying on your program... ??/ now I realize there is no ill intent in asking me these questions.. but sometimes .. if I have not done the right thing or made the best choice... I feel like a child that's been caught doing something naughty when I hear these remarks... .. I feel trapped... and a deep need to want to not only escape the conversation but escape the situation as well.. Perhaps a lot of it is my doing by sharing this experience publically ... because I wanted the accountability and I was hoping to maybe just help one person like me .. along the way.... .. but I also don't want to feel like a scolded child... or feel like I have been caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar... I think it is why A lot of weight loss bloggers disappear when they hit a hard point.. they get embarrassed .. and are no longer sure what to say ...
I have always said this is my war... my fight.. and with all the love and support I receive I will keep conquering the mountains.. and enjoying the valleys... it is simply accepting that this is for life and that there is no end .. that kinda gets me shaky from time to time...
I have worked hard over the past year to get stronger TO LOSE OVER 40 POUNDS.. I know it had been over 50.. shit happens... no other excuse...
I have run into the proverbial brick WALL ... MYSELF... I have not given up.... I won't ever do that... but like all people I too slip... I slip on that slope .. of WHY CAN'T I .... and I WANT .... sometimes I simply do not want to feel trapped by what I eat.. I don't want to log it.. I don't want to keep track of it.. and I don't want to have to think about it... but the reality .. is that... I have to... I WILL ALWAYS HAVE TO... I just did not get the gene that some people get that allows them a love affair with food with no consequence.. or at least no caring ... I did not get the gene that would make me 6+ feet either... standing only 4 ft 11 inches tall... I have to be careful...
I have to know when to let the donut go and let the apple win.... I have to realize that the natural is far better than the processed.. Number 1 .. I am satisfied... and full.. and comfortable... I have given my body proper fuel... and quieted the growl in my belly... if I had eaten the donut.. I would have eaten it too fast ... too fast to taste it.. or enjoy it... the sugars would break down in my body ... the fat would get stored in my body... and all I would have left is the gummy after taste of defeat.. and disappointment in myself...
A donut is simply not a donut.... its A STEP IN THE WRONG DIRECTION... it won't do anything for me... but the APPLE fills a need... it satisfies a sweet craving... its crunchy and takes time to savor ... and it fills me up.. the Donut would not have done any of that... but is it really wrong to have donut????... no... not if it is really what YOU want... but the fact is.. it can never be what I need.
I am far from perfect.. yesterday we shared some Indian food Chicken Biryani .. one of my favorite dishes.. loaded with basmati rice ( carbs) chunks of chicken .. intoxicating spices... and delightful... I justified that by making it my main meal of the day... I still over indulged... but at least it stayed with me the better part of the day...
Every day I have to think WANT VS NEED.. THE DONUT VS THE APPLE.. I have to think this way... there is no escape...
I admire people that get healthy , keep their weight off.. and are absolutely barbaric about their exercise and staying thin... I think that's amazing... ... I am not one of those.. I have had to learn... I have to battle my own way .. in my own time.. with my own tools...
I have had people say to me .. be careful ... you don't want to gain your weight back..... really??? ya think????
Or how is your eating going.... are you suppose to be eating that??... or how is the weight loss going??/ are you staying on your program... ??/ now I realize there is no ill intent in asking me these questions.. but sometimes .. if I have not done the right thing or made the best choice... I feel like a child that's been caught doing something naughty when I hear these remarks... .. I feel trapped... and a deep need to want to not only escape the conversation but escape the situation as well.. Perhaps a lot of it is my doing by sharing this experience publically ... because I wanted the accountability and I was hoping to maybe just help one person like me .. along the way.... .. but I also don't want to feel like a scolded child... or feel like I have been caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar... I think it is why A lot of weight loss bloggers disappear when they hit a hard point.. they get embarrassed .. and are no longer sure what to say ...
I have always said this is my war... my fight.. and with all the love and support I receive I will keep conquering the mountains.. and enjoying the valleys... it is simply accepting that this is for life and that there is no end .. that kinda gets me shaky from time to time...
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