Monday, February 17, 2014


Words are a powerful weapon...  the can be flowery and sweet ... and daggers and bullets...
Words build us and rip us apart...
I think for many of us it is hard to say ... hey ... look at what I am doing ... I am changing....
 I am working towards a healthier self... and I am really proud of myself...
I also want to share it too..
I also want to put things out there to help others...
I also know it helps solidify that I am doing this ...
A lot of us are very afraid that if we say the words.... then it all will disappear... that if we say .. WE ARE CHANGING.. then something major will happen and all will be lost... or gained as the case may be... 
I believe there comes a time where saying it out loud... is the best therapy there is..
There are no absolutes in life... so  the obvious is  we might gain all the weight back..
I would like to think not... I would like to think that all the effort and work and time invested will prevent that from happening...
 It is why this time is so crucial... more than the starting and doing... this part.. where the weight loss creeps .. along... where 21 pounds looms above my head waving back and forth... as I try to chop away at it ...

The one thing I do know is that no matter what... time will go on... so why not keep on??  time is going to pass anyways... why not make it healthier and productive... the best feeling is looking back and seeing what I have left behind .. instead of it being just another day where food .. took over...  One of those days .. from a long time ago... Where Magnum bars, and bread... and  sweets and more breads.. were a driving force... where now those things really do not have the pull they once did...

I believe the impact of what we tell ourselves... the impact of what others tell us... the impact of the words we memorize and use to describe ourselves are so very important...

Hence,  words that are positive should carry far much more meaning that words that are negative..

These are important words

These are negative banished words...

Our INTERNAL IMPACT  is to believe in ourselves that we can complete whatever goals we set for ourselves.

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