Wednesday, March 26, 2014


IT  is one of those things I have to remind myself of...



  Today I got the official diagnosis of early osteoarthritis in my hands.. this will be treated with an anti-inflammatory drug  I have not tried before and I don't remember the name off hand..
I go for my physical and will discuss it tomorrow with my doctor..

Same conversation different doctor  from today

 :     " You are on the right path but you must work on your sleep and try and avoid stress as much as you can"  " you also need to do stretching and strengthening exercises as well.. "   " oh and I can send you to a pain clinic ....where they will give you drug therapies that will  mask your pain and ultimately impede your exercise and more natural methods of achieving a feeling of well being.....well.. uhmmmm okay that was not exactly what she said...  I embellishing on it after she did say "  I can send you to a pain clinic" ...... so then I got to go into the hospital and get my hands  X rayed to look for abnormalities.... which she did not think at this time she would find any....  OH and the last thing she said was ... did I know they were suspecting I might have other  autoimmune diseases but from her testing and the way I responded ... it does not  appear to be anything more than Fibromyalgia , Chronic pain,  Spinal Stenosis , and Osteoarthritis...   okay... Well I never had known they suspected  I might have  an Autoimmune issue ... well I guess Fibro falls in that category but ... good grief...  I was glad when that was all over...

 At first when I left.. I sat in my car and was mad... I was resentful with myself....
I know it sounds really silly because in the grand scheme of life..... things could be far worse...

But here my mind wanders off and thinks... After all the work I have done  over the last 8 months .. this is my reward???? 

 It made me mad to think like that.. but it was truly how I felt as the hot tears of frustration leaked down my cheeks...  Just one more thing I did NOT  need added to my little bag of  "FUN" .


     but....... for that instant .. to me it was...

Did in my heart of hearts I really think that the weight loss was going to solve it all for me.... perhaps I did....

but the reality is... very simple indeed..

 I am 51 years old... and shit .. is just gonna happen...  age.. happens... and it sure beats the alternative... My father and his mother ( my grandmother) both had osteoarthritis in their genetically I am predisposed to having it ...

 Weight is still being maintained and as my body adjusts will keep moving downwards...
Overall I feel good.. aside from the pain...
I just  have to remember that .. some things just are ... and maybe there are no answers..
and the solution is just surviving and finding natural alternatives to help you along..

Remember it can always be


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