Thursday, March 13, 2014


Soo I am not exactly what you would call happy at the moment .. 

I am up 1.4 pound today... 

Though I did expect this to happen .l was hoping It would not..

 Sooo we call all the tools we use Feedback ...

 Here are the things I know...

Tuesday I ate lunch and Dinner out.. That's the way the circumstances of the day fell..

 I made healthy choices but .. I did not prepare my own food..
I also have taken a caloric increase going from eating 800-1000 calories a day to 1000-1200.
Still with in acceptable guide lines...

 However maybe not for me if I want to loose weight.. ??? I just am not sure..

Things we already know.. 

I am limited in my ability to work out so I need to consider that..

 However I can walk more so I can do that..

Perhaps I should lower the calories back to the 800-1000 range.. ??

Or do I give my body a couple more weeks to adjust while trying to increase movement 

.. My thinking is that if within the week If I see another spike .. I would lower my daily calories back to the 800-1000 range.
.because my body seems to have lost weight best in that range... On Medifast 


The truth...

I just am not sure..

 I know my choices are all healthy now..

I just need to figure out my dynamics again..with careful monitoring I am sure I can. 

Soo I am slightly bruised today ....

still in learning mode as I learn what works for me...

The other thought floating in my mind is the SCALE 

Once a week or should I grab another day like Sunday to see if I am moving in the right direction..

.my biggest annoyance is becoming scale obsessive.

I know people like that..I will not walk that dark path...

Honi the scale is a tool ..that's it!!!

Have a Rock Solid day!!!

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