Thursday, September 1, 2011


So its the first of September and all I want is for the weather to finally CHILL OUT... we need some cool weather.. a cool breeze...   we need RAIN big time... fall can not come fast enough...
We are preping for a big food show coming up in 2 weeks... we have 3 shows that week.. 1 in Miss. 2 in Alabama... its gonna be crazy!... 
Today is laundry day can I get a whOOOO HOOO ... wow.. ... 
Shake is taken... water is being consumed now..  and waiting for the first load to come out of the wash.. and getting some work done in the process.. today is a stay at home day.. which is fine by me.. not many places I want to go in this heat..
Tomorrow AM  we take Baz for his senior or geriatric check up at the vet... he can hardly get up in the mornings now.. it takes him a while to get moving .. once he does he is in good shape...  
He has gotten very demanding in his old age... he does not like to be outside alone in the back yard... in fact he does not like to be outside anymore ...he will bark like a seal until he is let in... he is dumpster diving big time.. goes into all the waste baskets.. like they were his personal buffet... and does not care now if he gets in trouble... 
He can not hardly see anymore... and while I often joke about him sitting and staring at the wall it is sad... seeing him go into his older years this way..  He is so lumpy and bumpy now... lypomias everwhere... so far the doctors do not think any are cancerous but the fact is .. Baz is about 12 .. and who really knows with out invasive testing whats going on with him.. the lumps are huge .. but the vets say .. it would be harder on him to remove them than leave them.. so we leave them... He still has a HUGE appetite though.. and  is totally a food hound.. he still knows what  ARE YOU HUNGRY means ... and knows if you spell the word F O O D..   he tolerates Cookie.. and ignores Shayna...   he still trys to assert his ALPHA dog attitude with SHAYNA but fact is she no longer gives a shit... and will put him in his place when he gets on her nerves... 
Baz is also losing his bark due to part of his larnyx being paralyzed, its common with pure Labs... as they age.. eventually it will become completely paralyzed should he survive that long...
The vets keep telling us to be prepared.. we might have a year or 2 left with Baz maybe less... 
Its heartbreaking to see him in the mornings try to get up.. his legs are just not getting the message from his brain to work... and the aspirin does not seem to help the arthritis much anymore.. so maybe the vet can give us something to help him along... a suplliment or something.. we have done all the other supplements and they worked for a while.. but now .. not so much...  I guess though this is how it goes as they age though..poor doggie..
Cookie is sitting right by my side right now.. she is 7 ... and she has a little arthritis in her back legs otherwise she is is in great shape..
Shayna... is Shayna .. crazy and sweet as ever.. she is 3.  
Well laundry is calling.. and I best go answer..





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