Tuesday, November 5, 2013


SO .. I am at the 39.8 mark  almost 40 pounds...  thats good real good..
It has been a week of compliments galore.. so thats also good... People are asking my advice .. what I am doing etc.... So I tell my story... my rather lame story... It was no epithany ... just a simple conversation that got me started...  
Would I reccomend this program to anyone else... well....   thats a very debateable question..
I feel to do TSFL you have to want something bigger than food.... You have to want to invest in yourself.. for the rest of your life... and you must ... must be prepared that this is a lifestyle change... not just a quick fix to a lifelong problem... The solution will be ongoing and moldable as I continue on... I have a goal... and I will reach it.. and then I have the hardest task of a lifetime : to maintain with in 5 pounds of that goal...  I have thought about  this long and hard... will I just stay on the TSFL program.. will I switch to WW to maintain .. will I do a vairant of both... hmmm I really dont know.. My friend who is a dietician said I can come and see her on a regular basis so she can help me monitor myself... thats an option too... and in the beginning I think I am going to take her up on that ... but for now.. its 5 and 1 all the way ..

The horror stories I have heard.. of people going thru bariatric surgery only to gain half if not more of their weight back.. because they never learned the foundementals of good eating... or as TSFL says  Optimal Health and learning those keys to that.

 I am glad I went on this path.... it is not easy.. what it takes is tenacity ... the desire to want a healthier life as opposed to something unhealthy to eat..  what it takes.. is strength...  Strength of spirit and self... What it takes is the decision that you want to change... whatever path it takes... the desire to change overrides everything else..

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