When I had that desire to eat a piece of " chocolate gelt" was it because of nostalgia..??? I did not eat it but it serves as a good reminder we are all works in progress..We make choices each and every day.
I think food choices especially at holiday times can be so dicey.. You want to be good .. But the memories of MiMis apple pie are intoxicating.. Below are ideas to help us through the holiday food fest... A time of year that is so Foodcentic it can be overwhelming...
Only you can decide if you will remain on your Program of better Health.. Whatever that is for you...
If you choose to not stay on your program here are some common sense guidelines ..
MOST IMPORTANTLY FOOD IS NEITHER GOOD OR BAD ..I hate hearing people say I ate bad...nooo you made a choice is all..
1) make your choices and accept all consequences whatever they may be..
2) keep yourself well hydrated.. WATER WATER WATER!!!
3) take a extra walk or 3
4) small portions
5)4 bites.. Of rich foods or dessert ...you really only taste the first and the last bite ..so why all the filler??? 4 bites means small to wellll..small bites not giagantor bites.. 😀
6) enjoy your family and friends..
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