Thursday, August 18, 2011


THINKING how great it would be take my leg brace off early and have cool feet.... and then I said.. the full 10 hours baby....  1 hour and 45 minutes left... sigh....
its those kind of thought... little whispers like that ... that lead to  a breaking up... a scattering of  a plan... the idea to get out of the brace 2 hours early seems wonderful.. sortta like eating real spagetti at a great Italian joint.. sure... its only one meal.... its only  so many bites not on a plan.. whats the big deal.. its the same thing.. same concept.. I have to wear this brace every day for 10 hours a day minimum... thats the deal thats the plan... 
I have to get healthy by controling what goes in my mouth.. I have that power....
I have that self control... 
and similairly I have the ability to keep the brace on 1 more hour and 40 minutes.... patience is a huge virtue....

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