Wednesday, August 31, 2011


what an original title.. ha..

well.. life is good... and  i am not going to use capital letters in the post because... welll I can....
i have some great news... which actually calls for capital letters.... I AM DOWN A FULL PANTS SIZE whOOOO HOOOO!!... i thought it was fluke.. you know how sometimes you can buy your regular size and  for some resason the pants are made wrong and they are too big or something.. well i bought another new pair in my regular size and guess what???????   TOOOO BIG... i mean bagbutt... so I got a new pair today one size day yay.. i look forward to dropping several more sizes as the adventure continues...

will be posting some info on new products soon as I try them.. I read about some new breakfast rolls from Hungry Girl  from Thomas.. will let you know if they are any good.. sounds great for a a brunch or something..
Anyways time to go bathe the doggies..

Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Friday, August 26, 2011


CHECK THIS LINK OUT..   I feel so sorry for this woman... on the one hand.. on the other.. I guess everyone has to have goal in life... but why on earth this:   TO BE THE FATTEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD   ...  AND STILL ANOTHER ARTICLE ON HER...    
 I can not call her brave...  
I can not call her healthy  I do call her sick.... 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


YAY Steve finally got a new vehicle .. the CX9  Mazda... its beautiful... black leather seats.. I know he will get much good use from it.. and enjoy it...
We have a busy not so busy weekend planned... doing stuff around the house maybe  a run to Auburn....  a stop at Earthfare perhaps.. who knows...
Apparently wer are starting another new trend.. going to bed before 9 pm and waking up at 230 .. am .. that the later part of that was courtesy of Shayna who needed to go out... the night before it was a business emergency that had us up....     I got about 3 additional hours of sleep  and now e are getting ready to face the HOT HUMID DAY...
wishing everyone a great weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


THINKING how great it would be take my leg brace off early and have cool feet.... and then I said.. the full 10 hours baby....  1 hour and 45 minutes left... sigh....
its those kind of thought... little whispers like that ... that lead to  a breaking up... a scattering of  a plan... the idea to get out of the brace 2 hours early seems wonderful.. sortta like eating real spagetti at a great Italian joint.. sure... its only one meal.... its only  so many bites not on a plan.. whats the big deal.. its the same thing.. same concept.. I have to wear this brace every day for 10 hours a day minimum... thats the deal thats the plan... 
I have to get healthy by controling what goes in my mouth.. I have that power....
I have that self control... 
and similairly I have the ability to keep the brace on 1 more hour and 40 minutes.... patience is a huge virtue....



  SO  today is my day between and betwixed work to peruse blogs...   I read all sorts of blogs... blogs on health... blogs regarding weight loss,   weight watcher blogs,   I read blogs from large people who have lost a massive amount of weight,    I read blogs   from beginners on the journey  to those who want to give up but keep plugging away...    

 I read the comments on these blogs as well.. all well meaning and kind... but often times missleading... 
the fact is... FAT does not Just happen,   
FAT happens from over eating...   simple... ( unless there is a medical reason) 
I saw a lot of excuses floating around... 
I think sometimes we like excuses because they provide that out we sometimes so desperately want

But the reality...

There are no excuses

You, Me, Anyone  is in control of what we put in our mouths...

Think about it.... 
You are in control of what you eat... no one has a fork to your mouth putting food in there...
You control that..

So while your job may suck...
Your kids scream their heads off and are never satisfied....
Your husband drives you nuts..
You feel as if you can not breath...
Nothing seems to be going right.... etc etc..

ANYONE...... Controls what they eat...

I am in control of what goes in my mouth... 

10 words... memorize them.... 
live them....
       do them....
  stepping off soapbox....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


APPARENTLY when I make my mind up even I do not realize sometimes how serious I am ... what i mean is.. in 16 days I have lost 6.4 pounds.. which may not seem great to you.. but to me... that is amazing.. considering my exercise is so limited right now.. Imagine if I could work out now with what I am eating I would have doubled that I bet... oh well.. I can dream.. never the less I am anticpating another 6-10 pounds by the end of the month.. at this rate..which if I lost 12-16 pounds in one month.. I think my doctor would flip .. LOL lord knows I am ... On one hand I am so mad I never tried anything like this.. and on the other... hand I guess things have a way of working out... for the best... I still have been vascilating on two shakes a day.. just feel I need the food twice a day instead of once... I know I could do twice as much if I had the two shakes maybe.. but I just do not want to allow myself any excuses with our busy season ambling upon us right now... I dont want leways.. or outs... I want a plan that works for me.. and this does... Shake in the a.m.  light lunch ... light dinner two snacks...  ( fruit or bar based and a protein if I am just having fruit)... and  little dessert ( skinny cow bar or Vitamuffin top or brownie for dessert) that usually plans my day... 
Well things are hectic here and  time for me to get back to work.... check out this link to Morningstar Farms..
Going Veggie might not be so bad...MORNING STAR FARMS

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shake up Friday

Sipping my breakfast down ( actually snack now) .. and getting ready to wrap up things at the office... get the handicap placard for my car so I can shop a little easier with out parking too far away... less steps outside easier shopping inside..I have mixed feelings about it... but the doctor gave on my insistence or rather he realized he was not going to win when it came to me riding in the carts at the store.. NO WAY IN HELL WILL  I ever do that.. nor will I do the wheel chair either.. However I did concide to using a wheel chair at Disney after many people convinced me that  if I used the chair we would get up to the front of the line and go for our ride or whatever quicker. ( I think that plays to their advantage too  :-)  ) . and I concided to it in the airport as well when we go in Oct..but NO CARTS ever...  I may walk slow and the brace may be a hinderence but I will take my time and get  things done my way...

Otherwise its almost the weekend here.. and I am ready...  
after the courthouse we are  going to Costco to pick up some Tuna fish (cans) one of their wonderful Rotesserie Chickens,  Salmon, and a few other odds and ends.. 
Have a great weekend~

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


so did you hear the latest...    WHOLE FOODS BACKS OFF OF ITS RAMADAN MARKETING   PERSONALLY I do not have an issue with this to me its  comparable to any market or grocery doing a campagian for  a jewish holiday or Christian holiday.. no big deal.. so now folks want to label WHOLE FOODS jihadists... strange but true.. whole foods should have just let this go  and slide its own way..  American Muslims have every right to product in a store.. and to let them know that said store carries said product to me is fine.. Lets face it.. its all  about the money... Market to the consumer that needs the product...  big fucking deal! .. THIS IS WHAT MARKETING IS ABOUT >> ATTRACTING A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO NEED SOMETHING .. so  the store can profit........
ON this one.. the FAR RIGHT IS  at the very least FAR WRONG...and frankly...... well.. there is no word to suite what I think they are...  
The condition of this country is so voilatle it makes me really sad.. and to get bothered by NOTHING makes me sadder..  
stepping off soap box... 


Thats the name of the new shake or protein energy drink I have been using.. and I am settling on Primarily this shake and the BL shake  for a back up when I am waiting on a shipment to arrive. Its much more economical to purchase this online than in the store and I purchased a twelve pack through Amazon the other day.  I also found it at Whole Foods as well and bought several of them to see me through until I get them delivered. I drink half in the early AM and then around 1030 I have the other half.. then around 1230 I have lunch.. it might be a WW or Lean Cuisine meal or I might do another a biggest Loser Shake.. or something else just depending on what my resources are... and then a bar 2 hours later  ( I wish SVELTE had a bar too )  and some fresh fruit or raw veggies..  Dinner is lean and green... chicken and veggies or  fish and veggies.. red meat occassionally ..My own plan seems to be working for me.. 

I can only imagine how things would be if I could exercise more... however for now this is what it is and thats okay... I had my first Physical Terrorist experience in a while yesterday .. oops I mean Physical Therapy... PT worked on the left food A LOT and then I had to do 10 minutes of hellish icegell therapy .. the first 3 minutes were murderous.. but the next 7 my foot was numb.. Foot did well yesterday too... so thats good.. well I have my magic shoe on.. and Hopefully next month the Xrays will reveal some improvement and I will get an idea how long MY Forrest Gump brace will accompany me... 

Now back to the shake or drink.. I love the fact that it is sweetened naturally no sucrolose and no maltitol or sorbitol that totally does not agree with me.. 
 I was totally against the shake way of thinking for years... I mean years ... not just because of the maltitol and artificial sweeteners.. but because I thought there was no way a shake was going to hold me or fill me up.. BOY was  I wrong.. 
the nutritinals  on Hello Beautiful Drinks are higher than many

 260 calories for 15.9 ounces of drink
5-8 grams of fiber depending on the flavor
16 grams of protein per each container. 
1 container is a serving.

 As I said before I split it so its my breakfast and morning snack I can not finish it in one sitting at all..
 out of all  the shakes I have tried so far this is the creamiest, least after tasting one of them.
I still rank the BL shake as good.. but you still get 11 ounces and only 10 grams of protein with that particular shake..   Svelte brand seems to do the trick. 

Other wise it is work as usual.. and things are fairly quiet in my world...

Although I did have an interesting experience rather uhmm.. lets see how can I say this... VICARIOUSLY I guess...  there was a reunion  of the class of 1981 30 years to be exact... now I did not graduate with this group at all.. In fact I was still in board school and graduated in 1982 in class of 14..
I grew up in a priveleged safe haven community... nicknamed the TINY KINGDOM.... 
I was kid who really never fit in and felt more at home with adults than kids ... when I eventually made my way to the high school it was divided into groups .. the smokers, the freaks, the geeks, (or nerds back then) ... the Brookies ( the prep set)  and the kids like me who fit no where.. the kids who got to the school really early to avoid the boys who would stand at the door and bark  as you walked in  to face another hell day... on a positive note I was friendly with the older kids and  (with in two months I knew I was going to boarding school and would  be held back a year) would skip school in the afternoon.. they would let me hitch a ride with them to where ever and home.. I was lucky... the school never paid attention to what I did.. and I really was relieved to be out of there.. by high school I really was not teased too much.. there were a few incidents... like the guy who asked me for a date in from of the whole class as a joke... and then roughly 5 years later I run into in a class at the local college and he is acting like he is my best friend.. I only remember the not so nice guy.. so I ask him what he wanted from me... I told him how I remember him.. and he said  hey we all grow up .. and I am sorry if I hurt you.. and then he aske me to be his lab partner...  I forgave him...but it has always stayed with me.. just like the kids in jr high that pushed me off the school bus... about a mile away from my house...etc etc... etc... those memories still sit there.. and I have come to terms with them and if I see the perps of the events.. I just usually ignore them or pretend I do not recognize them...several of them said the exact same thing.. well it does not matter that you did not graduate with us.. you are still  part of us... oddly I never felt that way during that time...
So it was weird when this reunion came up and I ran into some of those people and they asked me if I was going to be at the parties and I had to remind them I did not graduate with them.. they were shocked... as if they did not know I was not there and I suppose when you have a class of over 300 kids that can happen... Anyhow it was interesting.. to see how people changed or not...I perused photos from all the events online..
Mostly I am thankful I was not there.. I am glad the way my life turned out.. and enjoy my daily blessings... I am thankful that my folks were able to send me to boarding school.. and I am thankful I graduated in a class of 14 and got a taste of the real world at 16 years old.. I am glad I was able to be reshaped and learn how people can really treat you... I am thankful for every life experience I  have had be they bad or good... 
Well am off to face the day..
Hope yours is great!

Friday, August 5, 2011


I am in love with protein shakes now the BL shake is the best its premade and tasty like a yoohoo ... why must I assume there must be something better out there.. so I go on a persistant hunt, for example today I will be going to GNC and WHOLE FOODS to see if there are better shakes.. I tried one from publix Designer Whey.... eck... not good...
I irritate myself trying to find the next new and best thing... I hate that.. I like the BL shakes so why on earth is that not enough for  me ... shesh I wear me out.. glad I am not like with when it comes to electronics or cars... .what I got works and I am happy ... I can wait on that stuff..
When I set my sights on something.. it has to be that ..and no variations.. no compromise at all.. ( just ask the car dealership..I knew what I wanted.. how I wanted it.. and the color .. and you can bet your sweet bippy ( whatever a bippy is) that I got it my way....
When we go out to eat.. I want it my way too.. no compromise ( just ask the husband) ... I don't mean to embarrass anyone but when I say grilled onions I do not mean raw... its just the way it is..
I  try and be flexible and about a lot of things I am .. but  somethings.. there is a no bend policy that I adhere too..
Do you have things you are not flexible about .. or do you find something then always want to find the next step up?
Have a  great weekend!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


The heat here has been ridiculous... just take your breath away convection oven type stuff... we had some huge thunder storms burst in this morning so at least today it will stay in the mid 90s and not go over 100 hopefully the heat index will stay down a bit too.. 
The heat can play a huge toll on a person with Fibro.. it will wear you it totally.. I work hard to get everything done before 3 pm because that seems to be my crashing time lately... 
Taking no meds to speak of now.. its an effort to deal with the pain solo .. no advil no nothing now... a few stray tylenol extra strength every so often is all I do now.. 
Tried a new shake today .. Designer Whey  Chocolate... pre made.. sucked sucked sucked.. 18 grams protein though... I prefer the  BL shakes much better tasting.. and stays with me longer for some odd reason..its only 10 grams of protein... 
For lunch I am having a morning star Pizza and basil flavored burger (120 calories) on a bun ... and will make tuna fish salad for dinner  on a bed of fresh romain and tomatoes with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.. yum... ohh and of course some yummy watermelon too.. 
Not swimming today but cleaning house.. will be interesting to see how I do next week with 5 days a week at the gym 2 of intensive PT and 3 of swimming... would give anything to be in less pain and hopefully soon that will happen..  
Well I am still researching new pre made shakes.. to see if I like anything out there... I am not opposed to making my own shakes either...just want to find something that tastes decent the one from the morning was nasty.. lol... oh well..
Am off to work  some more then to clean the house Ohhhh Joy of my life lol...
Have a remarkable day!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back to life

Wow had a great great time with my family.. lots and lots of fun over 100 people.. just a total great time..
My eating could have been better but since Monday I have been back on track... so no complaints there..

I do have a few irritable issues ... I have to go down to our semi non functioning court house ( not sure which one to go to) and get a handicap placard .. yep the doctor wants me to take advantage of that... and walk to live but not walk to exercise.. he said the less I do the better chance my foot has at healing and now with the other one blown ( YEA SUCKS TO BE ME) ... I have to get extremely serious with taking care of myself... so the left foot is braced the right foot just has the new help it... the pool is my savior 3 times a week now.. and going to start PT next week ... so its all good...
Nothing much to report I vacillate from doing the shakes to food keeping the calorie count the same.. that way my body does not get used to one or the other.....
Well back to work for me.. hope all is right in your world..
here is 1/4th of my family...
                                                     ANN , STEVE and             ME...