Friday, August 2, 2013


YAY!!! things finally calmed down a hair.. our internet seems to be working well..  the tv situation is still strange the remotes only work if the ceiling light is on... lol... that's  bizzare..   Got all my business done for the week.. Got my accountant lined up to help fix what I thought I fixed but apparently unfixed .. so that makes me feel better...  and I got on the scale today for some reason.. I of course expected the worse and it winked at me a 2+ lb.  loss.. now my official weigh in is Monday so I won't be all official about it tell them.. but that does give the motivational fires a extra stoke....
So  I am hoping for a peaceful weekend... and something fun to do.. As usual my husband is a wonderful support .. last night .. ( this will sound so silly but walking is walking) we went to the better walmart ( our walmart is scary)   and walked around the store.. its huge.. so I am thinking walking around there counts and I can walk there.. its flat and does not stress my ankle... Walking is walking no matter where you do it... Our walmart is just a weird  place..  brings out the stranger folks.. we have a guy that looks like Elvis that is always there...  a Dolly Parton look alike and a Liberace look alike.... plus a lot.. and I mean a lot of folks that look like Zombies...  they come in wearing Pajama bottoms.. and their hair is usually dyed really black gothy looking...  and you see a lot of ... piercings too  
Anyways... off to see what the weekend has planned...

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