Sometimes I get so amazed that a simple movement can relieve pain.. I had PT early this morning and we went over some new stretches and exercises to help me build strength... Already sans the leg brace about a little over a month now.. I can walk down steps using both feet instead of just leading with the right foot.. that is a nice acomplishment.. my pain levels in my foot are now managable.. the neck and shoulder are getting better.. I have a 4 hour pain patch on now... and will take that off this afternoon... I have new posture exercises to work on... and for the first time in about a year I am going to take one of my pups for a short walk... ( don't want to press my luck too much) ..

I am really enjoying these shakes ~ 150 calories and 13 grams protein make for a good breakfast.. ~ courtesey of my buddy
He is a super person in my opinion... he is my go to person for ideas that might help make this journey just a little easier.. He is is smart guy that has lost ... well.. lets just say he has lost a person in size.. well over 150 pounds... so in my book he is a good resource... and he is no bullshitter so if you are afraid of the truth... don't read him... if you like wit and honesty... then he is a great read.. I wish he did not feel he had to explain himself all the time.. I feel bad about that for him..but I guess he just wants to make it clear where he comes from.. and what you will get if you read him......
So at the PTs office today I was realizing that a simple move.. a simple action can create relief.. you can apply that too food as well.. any simple action you make regarding eating can create relief... by that I mean if you chose not to eat something that is n ot healthy for you and opt to eat something that is healthy .. you give your body something needs.. if you give your body something it needs.. something with vitamins in it.. or fiber or protein then your body repays you by working better. It is the small things that lead to the bigger things I do believe.. Again I will use my progress in the last couple weeks as an example.. last week my hip was causing me horrible pain... it was do to over extension when exercising for cardio on the bike... but doing stretches specifically for that area.. consistently over the past week.. has helped relieve this issue..Everything leads to the big thing... feeling good...
I Love to peruse blogs... sometimes I leave a comment something I just read... sometimes I am baffled.. and sometimes I am impressed... I am impressed by those who have lost and successfully kept of a good amount of weight... I am baffled by those that are morbidly obese yet they still think even a child size milk shake is an okay food to eat... .. just cut down but eat the same pollution they have always eaten... I am not saying they won't lose weight.. but slowly I am learning.. that when you eat the healthier foods .. the more volume rich foods ... like a good arugala salad with chopped veggies an a light dressing ... how filling it because you are chewing and crunching ( NO CRUTONS !!!! VEGGIES) .. and getting filled up on good things.. I prefer a low cal and low fat ranch dressing... and I also like balsamic vinegarete as well... I love to eat sugar snap beans and carrots... I love the world possibilites in working with raw and frozen veggies... early peas in said salad... edamame in said salad.. etc.. all good for you and filling...
The reality is when you drink that milkshake.. or eat those fries.. or that honeybun or whatever.. it just goes in and comes out and leaves artery clogging residue behind. ..
I am living to not be a statistic...
I am Fighting to manage pain..